’Hulda’ tomte art doll

160 USD

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The tomte  (or hustomte, or gårdstomte, or tomtenisse, etc) is the Scandinavian equivalent of the British brownie. When treated with respect  the tomte protects and cares for the house, farm and animals, and is particularly fond of horses. When mistreated or disrespected, however, the tomte is known to become vengeful and petty, and though small of stature can cause huge problems to the ungrateful.

This unusual female tomte doll named Hulda measures around 25 cm tall, boots to hat tip. 

Her face, buttons and boots are hand sculpted from polymer clay, and are therefor entirely unique. 

Her wool hat is needlefelted, and the rest of her clothes are made from 100% recycled textiles. 

She has a wire base and fully poseable arms and legs, so she can sit or stand up depending on where she will be displayed.

Hulda is completely unique and one of a kind.

tomte gnome brownie hustomte gårdstomte